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Information on structural calculations

Structure de bâtiment

What are structural calculations ?

The structural calculations according to the eurocodes are the verifications of the resistance, equilibrium and deformation of a building by a mathematical calculation based on the basis of indications from European construction standards.

The calculations take into account the actions applied to the building (arising from occupancy, climatic, seismic, fire, …), the characteristics of the foundation soil, the materials used to make the structure (concrete, steel, wood, aluminum, …) and the reliability objectives to be achieved (which is not the same for a hospital as for a warehouse).

Is it essential ?

Any new building, extension or rehabilitation will require structural checks by calculation. These calculations make it possible to choose the right construction components and the appropriate size to ensure the stability, solidity and sufficient rigidity of the structure.

If the project is located at altitude, the snow load can be high. By the seaside, on a hill or in open terrain, the wind can be more powerful. In some areas, the structure of the building could also be subject to seismic effects. It is also often necessary to ensure that the structure is able to resist a fire for a sufficient time to evacuate and that the firefighters can intervene.

It is therefore important to carry out structural calculations to anticipate exceptional phenomena and prove the design of the building in the event of a disaster.

How much is it ?

It is difficult to give a generic price, the costs vary according to the size of the project and its complexity. The price is based on the time the engineer estimates or the number of elements to calculate.

In general, the cost of a structural engineer is largely paid for by the savings made by optimizing the volume of materials and the design so that it is easier to manufacture and assemble. In addition, his insurance covers damage in the event of a claim due to a design error and serenity is priceless.